PD Dr. Alexandros Emboras

PD Dr.  Alexandros Emboras

PD Dr. Alexandros Emboras

Privatdozent/in at the Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering

ETH Zürich

Institut für Integrierte Systeme

ETZ J 76.1

Gloriastrasse 35

8092 Zürich


Additional information

Dr. Alexandros Emboras is currently a senior scientist and a lecturer in the Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (Integrated Systems Laboratory) at the ETH Zürich. Since January 2018 he is coordinating the center of single atom electronics and photonics at ETH Zurich (http://single-atom.ethz.ch) that was recently funded with 12 MCHF by Werner Siemens Stiftung.

Alexandros holds a PhD in Electrical Engineering, CEA-LETI Grenoble (2012). His PhD thesis work was performed in collaboration with California Institute of Technology (CALTECH) and focused on the evaluation of advanced plasmonic devices for nanophotonic application. After his PhD, he worked at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel as a Postdoctoral Scholar (2013). As a postdoc he pioneered the field of integrated optical memristors in Prof. Uriel Levy group. From 2014-2018, as a research scientist, he lead the atomic-scale research activities at the Institute of Electromagnetic Field (IEF) of Prof. Jürg Leuthold (ETH Zurich).


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